Keep Your Employees Engaged

Todays employers need to engage with their team like never before.

Our Approach

Your most critical audience of all sometimes? Your own people.  

And by ‘critical’, we mean both definitions: “vital” and “tending to point out error”.

Today’s employees want you to communicate with them more often, more authentically, and in far more engaging ways. Each success factor has interesting implications for high impact/high ROI internal communication efforts.

What sets us apart in the eyes of our clients is the way we help them tackle all three:

Communicate more often: You need measurable ROI from your efforts, so more often needs to pair with very efficiently. We help clients shift their internal communication strategies from “occasional and over-produced” to “lean, fast, and real.” 

Communicate more authentically: When clients come to us wondering why their training efforts aren’t received well, it’s often because they aren’t authentic enough. Using actors instead of real employees or being overly formal in writing style or delivery can all have negative effects on impact. We help clients address those common issues with more authentic creative approaches.  

Internal communication often gets short shrift because it’s not revenue generating work. But here’s our belief: when done right, these efforts can actually have measurable impacts on company revenue and profit.

Our Strategy

Our toolset. Every social media platform comes with unique best practices in terms of strategy, messaging, creative approach, video length, frame size, etc.  We can help you navigate it all, from creative direction and copywriting through post and distribution.

Our quick-turn artistry.  Content production is a far different beast than monolithic spot production. For our larger clients, we know how to execute high-speed creative, production timelines measured in hours, on-the-spot A/B testing, quick ROI on smaller spends, but also a feedback loop conventional commercial producers would die for.

You want a partner who can help you succeed at this game no matter your budget level and we would love to help.

Start A Conversation

How can we help? Whether you need quick consulting, individual services, or full show production, our team is ready to answer your call.