Anything You Can Imagine

There’s a new game in town that could completely change your approach to producing videos.

How’s that for a bold statement? We’re sticking to it.

First, let’s set the stage:

Right now, if you want to film someone – actors, company leaders, outside experts, whomever – at a certain location – one of your stores, a hospital setting, warehouse, cool set, beautiful garden, wherever – you actually have to get those people to the location. Painfully obvious, yes.

But this obviousness comes with pain:

  • You have to coordinate the availability of the whomever and the wherever. Ever try to free up anyone to shoot in a hospital room these days? Or retail stores before 10pm? Not easy.
  • You have to travel the whomever to the wherever, blocking out calendars and hoping for no travel delays.
  • You have to make sure the wherever is prepped to look and sound right on the day of the shoot. Right branding, clean equipment, no loud assembly lines or jack hammers in the background.
  • You have to make whomever look good/fresh/new in the wherever. How many times have you shot that executive in that same office with that same plant?
  • And finally, for outdoor shoots, you have to pray to the weather gods.

Our Approach

Virtual production can make much of this pain go away. Seriously. Not for every project, but for more than you may think.

Virtual production allows people to present, act, or perform in any setting –  indoors or out – as if they’re really there.

Except they’re not. They’re really on a set, with all of the comfort, conveniences, and cost savings a set can bring.

“Like greenscreen? Eww.” You may be thinking.

We get it, but watch this:

We suppose virtual production could be called “green screen on super steroids” but even that doesn’t begin to describe how much better it is. Those people aren’t green screened in front of the backgrounds, they’re in the scenes.

Those scenes could serve any purpose: employee training, executive messaging, commercial production, independent filmmaking, you name it. A number of Hollywood films and shows use this same technology all the time, because it works.

Intrigued, at least to learn more? Some simple next steps:

  1. Call us for a live demo. You have to see it to believe it, and it gives us a chance to assess its fit for your particular video production needs. Once we understand your potential use cases, we can even customize the demo for those uses.
  2. For clients who seek realism, we’d start to digitize your worlds as proofs of concept. Some clients will want their leaders, trainers, or employees to be in very realistic settings, so real-world fidelity will be key. In those cases, we’d essentially digitize your real-world locations and build sets. These days this is actually easier than it sounds. We’ve already done it for healthcare clients, manufacturers, and retailers.
  3. For clients looking for more creative set ideas, we’d develop visual concepts for further exploration. One of our bigger clients wanted to create a giant stage for their far-flung worldwide employees to share. Another wanted more of an ESPN sports center set. We can build anything you imagine after some listening and brainstorming.

If you like the idea of moving beyond the ways of the past much faster and more cost effectively than ever before, contact us today.

To see it is to believe it.

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How can we help? Whether you need quick consulting, individual services, or full show production, our team is ready to answer your call.

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